Doctor of Architecture, Professor, Head of the Department of Architecture and Surveying Engineering
E-mail: via1946@ukr.net
ORСID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5122-6016
Research ID: X-8333-2018
Goggle Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=Hwi2if4AAAAJ&hl=uk
Date of birth: January 21, 1946 (Popovo-Balivka village of Dnipropetrovsk district, Dnipropetrovsk region).
Education and training:
1964 - graduated from high school;
1964-1967 - studied at Nikopol Technical School of Mechanization and Irrigation of Agriculture;
1969-1974 - studied at Kharkiv State University of Architecture, speciality "Architect", Honours Diploma
Work experience:
1974-1981 - worked as an architect of Sumy district
1981-1983 – held the position of the Manager of the “Green Building” Trust of Sumy Region;
1983-1993 - worked as an architect, held the position of the Head of an architectural group, the Chief project architect of the Sumy branch of «HIPROKHIM»
1993 – Associate professor, Professor, Head of the Department of Architecture and Surveying Engineering 1996 - defended the PhD thesis in Technical Science, speciality 05.23.01 - Building Constructions, Buildings and Structures on the subject "Effective structures of farm buildings" at Poltava NTU
1997 – was awarded the title of Associate professor
2013 - defended the Doctoral thesis in Architecture, speciality 18.00.01. - Theory of Architecture, Restoration of Architectural Monuments in Kharkiv NUBA
2015 - was awarded the title of Professor
Basic courses: "Architecture of buildings and structures", "Architecture of residential and public buildings", "Architecture of sacral objects", "Architectural design", "Reconstruction of urban development", "Modern problems of architecture and urban planning", " Criticism of modern architectural theories”, Urban Planning and Transportation”, “Local Highways”
Research priorities: “Principles of harmonious organization of the spatial structure of urban settlements according to the main provisions of the New Athens Charter”
Grant, state-financed and contract-based research: “Spatial System Functioning of Rural Settlements”
"The Concept of Development of Agrarian Settlements in Modern Market Conditions in the North-Eastern Region of Ukraine"